Helping nurture the birds that visit your garden
View RangeLooking to brighten up you garden? Check out our feeder range.
View RangeGot fledgelings in your garden? Here are some of the best foods to give them…
View RangeHere at Honeyfields we love all things nature, offering a range of wild bird food, treats, wild bird feeders,tables, dining stations and accessories to complement any garden.
Need more information about the birds that visit your garden, what they’re eating ad how to keep your feeders clean? Watch our videos below….
Below you will find answers to some of the most commonly asked questions we get asked all the time. If you have a question which isn't listed below, please feel free tp drop us a line over at our Contact Us page.
What does a bird like to eat?
Depending on the species of birds, there's many types of bird food you can put out in your garden in order to attract different species. Overall, most wild birds love seeds and mealworms, as this originates from their natural food source they'd typically find in the wild. Other feeds such as High Energy Wild Bird Food, Insect Mealworm Feast and Fruity Feast is a real favourite, because of the extra energy and variety offered in these mixes. Straight seeds are loved by specific bird species, for example, Finches love Sunflower Hearts.
What's the best thing to feed birds?
Any food in the garden is better than no food, but providing a mix that can nutritionally benefit the birds that visit is always more useful. There is no right or wrong answer as to what you can put out in your garden, it depends predominately on what birds you want to attact, as well as what season you're feeding the birds in. In the colder months from January - May you could typically see more birds visit your garden. In Autumn, less birds may visit as more natural food sources are available from things like fields and hedgerows.
What is the most popular garden bird in the UK?
The House Sparrow is the UK's most sighted bird, closesly followed by the Starling and then the Blue Tit. You may find when feeding the birds, you attract larger, unwanted birds or pigeons to your feeding sites. This can be easily prevented by using squirrel proof feeders, which allows smaller birds to feed from but larger birds aren't able to access.
How do I keep my garden as hygienic as possible when feeding the birds?
When lots of birds are visiting your garden, disease can easily be spread on unclean bird feeders, dining stations and bird tables. This can be prevented by regularly cleaning your feeders with hot water and disinfectant, wiping down any bird tables or other areas birds may land on, as well by changing what bird food you have on offer in the garden every week or so. Honeyfield's have a wide range of Easy Clean Feeders for your garden.
Can I make my own bird feeder?
Yes! Making your own bird feeder works well too. You can do this by:
Where can I buy Honeyfields Wild Bird Feeders, Wild Bird Food, and Accessories?
There are many stockists across the UK of Honeyfields, you check this on our 'Where to buy' section on this website. Available from garden centres, independent pet stores and DIY stores. You can also purchase our products online, take a look at our Online Stockists page for more information.